3rd Party Integration vs In-house


In the watchmaking industry, there are only two fully vertically integrated companies, Seiko and Rolex. That Allows them to design and develop every component of their watches, as well as assemble, inspect and ship them. It allows for greater efficiency, decreases costs and most importantly, gives full control over the manufacturing and distribution process. On the other side of the spectrum, you might recall the big shortage of semiconductor chips back in 2021 and 2022. It led to many automotive manufacturers selling their products without different options, from seat heating, start-stop systems to even lack of Infotainment. Or, the most drastic measure, some car models were not even launched due to the supply chain crisis.

Regardless of the type of the product, its main purpose is to resolve some problem or offer some benefits to the buyer/user. And that is something we should always have in mind.

In today’s digital landscape, the process of building products has evolved significantly. A lot of products we use nowadays are actually tangible only through our interaction with the screen of a mobile phone or a laptop. The approach to creating digital solutions has become both complex and diverse. Whether you’re developing a mobile application, a software platform, or an online service, the decisions you make regarding development can greatly impact the outcome.

In one of my previous blog posts, I`ve touched on the concept of feature prioritization in product development. The concept of building blocks is relevant here. Before we start building the product, it is necessary to understand the main goal and purpose of the product, and after that, to decide, which are the main features and functionalities your product will have. I can’t emphasize enough how important these steps are, especially when we`re talking about digital products.

Let me go back to the automotive industry once again for example. We’d like to build a car, and we know that the expected building blocks would be chassis, shell, engine, transmission, rims and tires, seats,… More or less that would be required for your car to run. Things like multimedia, panorama roof, daylights, HUD, parking camera etc… All of that are bangs and whistles. Something that is good to have. But! What do you think of adding a machine gun or rocket launcher on the roof? Think of Mad Max or Twisted Metal… Yes? No? I know, who in his right mind would put a rocket launcher on a car, where it does not belong? 

The example from above sounds crazy I know. And we usually don’t see something similar when working with physical products. Yet, you would not believe me how often some type of abomination is created in the world of digital products. When things are made and put in a place where they don’t belong. 

After we understand what is that we want to build, and categorize the building blocks  into “must have” and “good to have”, important decisions ahead of us are concerning the ways how those specific features are going to be built.

 “must have” and “good to have”

In-House Development:

When you opt for in-house development, you’re essentially taking full control of the entire product lifecycle. From conceptualization to execution, every aspect is managed within your product team. I’ll summarize some of the most important characteristics for this approach.


  • Customization and Control: In-house development allows you to tailor the specific product precisely to your specifications. You have complete control over the features, functionalities, and user experience, ensuring alignment with your product vision.
  • Security and Compliance: With sensitive data becoming increasingly valuable and regulations tightening, maintaining control over security measures and compliance standards is a must. In-house development provides greater assurance in safeguarding proprietary information and adhering to relevant regulations.
  • Cost Efficiency (Long-term): Don`t get me wrong, initial investment for in-house development is significant. Still, it can often result in long-term cost savings. By owning the entire development process, you minimize dependency on external vendors and mitigate the risk of unforeseen expenses associated with third-party integrations.

Third-Party Integration:

Alternatively, leveraging third-party integrations involves incorporating pre-existing solutions or services into your product ecosystem. Main characteristics of this approach include:


  • Time-to-Market: Integration of third-party solutions can significantly accelerate the development timeline. Instead of building functionalities from scratch, you can leverage the expertise and infrastructure of established providers, reducing development cycles and allowing for faster deployment.
  • Initial Cost Savings: In many cases, integrating third-party solutions will be cost-effective in comparison to developing equivalent features in-house. By leveraging existing technologies, you avoid the expenses associated with research, development, and maintenance, ultimately lowering overall project costs.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Third-party integrations often offer scalability and flexibility, allowing your product to adapt to evolving requirements and user demands more easily. With access to a wide range of specialized services, you can enhance your product’s capabilities without extensive development efforts.

When weighing the decision between in-house development and third-party integration, it’s essential to consider the specific needs and constraints of your project. A direct comparison of the two approaches would look like this:

Feature Prioritization Text Image
Going through the table above, integrating already existing solutions instead of building in house, especially when you`re just starting out with your product seems like an easy decision, because it comes with lower costs and substantially shorter time to market, while the most obvious tradeoffs are in terms of customization and control. 

Still, both approaches come with risks that should be considered:

Risks of In-House Development:

  • Increased Time-to-Market: If you`re not a software development company and that is not your wheelhouse, developing products in-house often requires more time due to the need to design, develop, test, and iterate on custom solutions. This prolonged development timeline can result in delayed market entry, which might be crucial if you`re trying to spearhead and dominate some niche.
  • Resource Constraints: In-house development will definitely strain internal resources, including skilled personnel, infrastructure, and budget allocation. Failure to adequately allocate resources or address skill gaps will result in project delays, cost overruns, and compromised quality of the delivery/output.
  • Technology Obsolescence: Building custom solutions in-house carries the risk of technological obsolescence. To use a simple example, you might recall that not so long ago, Adobe Flash was almost an industry standard to run multimedia on your website.Talking about millions of websites. At one moment, Adobe Flash came to its end of life and websites moved to HTML5. If not careful, rapid advancements in technology and evolving market trends may leave you with your in-house solutions outdated or incompatible with industry standards.
  • Dependency on Internal Expertise: In-house development relies on the expertise of internal teams. In a nutshell, you need to have proper staff on payroll.  Staff turnover, skill shortages, or knowledge gaps can disrupt development continuity and impede project progress.
Risk of Third-Party

Risks of Third-Party Integration:

  • Vendor Reliability: Dependence on third-party vendors introduces the risk of vendor reliability. Issues such as service outages, security breaches, or financial instability on the part of the vendor can disrupt operations and damage business reputation.
  • Vendor Lock-In: Integrating third-party solutions may lead to something known as vendor lock-in, where switching to alternative providers becomes costly or impractical. Would it be data dependencies, contractual obligations, or proprietary technology, lack of flexibility might limit decision-making process during product development.
  • Quality Control: Third-party solutions may not meet the quality standards or performance expectations of the organization trying to implement it. Variability in service levels, lack of transparency, or insufficient support from vendors can compromise product quality and user satisfaction.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Entrusting sensitive data to third-party vendors poses risks to data security and privacy. Inadequate security measures, data breaches, or non-compliance with regulatory requirements can result in legal liabilities, financial penalties, and reputational damage.
  • Integration Complexity: Integrating multiple third-party solutions into a cohesive ecosystem can be complex and challenging. Incompatibility issues, API changes, or version conflicts among different providers may require extensive customization, testing, and maintenance efforts to ensure seamless integration.
Deciding on the appropriate approach should take into account both positive and negative aspects. Diligence in vendor selection, especially in terms of contractual agreements, performance evaluation and contingency planning should be considered standard. On the other hand, the same goes with assessing the technology and human resources that should be deployed in-house. By carefully managing the risks associated with both in-house development and third-party integration, we can optimize development strategies and maximize the success of digital products.

What should we build in-house and what we can integrate?

There’s definitely no one size fits all answer, but certain components of a product are typically better suited for in-house development to ensure alignment with organization`s vision and objectives. The core functionalities that define the unique value proposition of your product should ideally be developed in-house. This includes features that differentiate your product from competitors and directly address the needs of your target audience, giving your product competitive advantage you need. Similarly, if your product relies on proprietary technology or intellectual property that serves as a key differentiator, it’s essential to keep these aspects in-house and maintain control. At the end, systems or components that are mission-critical to your business operations, such as internal tools, infrastructure, or security protocols, are best developed in-house to ensure reliability, security, and proper integration with other systems.
Although in-house development offers control and customization, there are many areas where leveraging third-party integrations can provide significant benefits. Non-core functionalities that are common across industries, such as payment processing, authentication, communication APIs, and analytics, are easily and effectively outsourced to third-party providers. This allows you to focus your resources on core competencies – building blocks – while leveraging specialized tools and infrastructure. Integrating third-party services that complement your product can enhance its capabilities and user experience. For example, integrating with social media platforms for user authentication or leveraging third-party APIs for additional features like location-based services. Also, integration of third-party services will expedite the prototyping and development process, enabling you to quickly validate ideas and iterate on your product concept without investing significant resources upfront. This agile approach minimizes development risks and gives you flexibility and opportunity to ideate and, if needed, change or modify your approach and roadmap. 
Some of the most commonly integrated third-party services across various industries include Payment Gateways (think of PayPal, Stripe, and Square) that offer payment processing solutions for e-commerce platforms and online transactions. Cloud services such as AWS, Azure or Google Cloud provide scalable infrastructure for hosting, storage, and computing resources or as already mentioned, integration with social media platforms for authentication or location based services for a delivery application.

Towards the end, wanted to explore a few more use cases we developed in the previous years to illustrate the practical implications of in-house development versus third-party integration:

A healthcare software startup aimed to develop a telemedicine platform to connect patients with healthcare providers remotely. While the core functionalities, electronic health records and algorithm for the assessment based on different questionnaires were developed in-house to ensure HIPPA compliance and customization to specific user needs, the platform integrated with third-party APIs for features like payment processing, appointment scheduling, push notifications and prescription management.
A wellness platform wanted to provide personalized training experiences for clients through adaptive algorithms and data analytics. While the algorithmic models and data infrastructure were developed in-house to maintain proprietary technology and ensure data privacy, the platform leveraged third-party integrations for content delivery, video streaming, and assessment tools to enhance scalability and user engagement.


The decision to move forward with in-house development or third-party integration should be guided by a strategic assessment of the product requirements, short and long-term objectives as well as budget you have at hand. While in-house development offers control and customization over core functionalities and proprietary technology, third-party integration can provide cost-effective solutions, accelerate time-to-market, and enhance scalability and flexibility. Diligent evaluation of the trade-offs and alignment with your business priorities is a good start that can result in building successful digital products that deliver value to both your organization and your customers.
Bogdan Mojsic Founder & CSO
By Dejan Neskovic
Director of Project Operations


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